Monday, April 22, 2013

Addict Roll Call: Moke and Lepsi fans unite!

 Almost every diabetic I know LOVES diet soda, typically one of the two Diet Cola varieties since it is usually the only kind that is readily available at every gas station or restaurant. Although I am a HUGE Diet Moke fan (names have been changed to protect the innocent), I understand that some people appreciate Diet Lepsi, (which I personally think tastes more like runoff from a feedlot, but it will do in a pinch) and I will still like (but maybe not respect) you if you are a Lepsi fan, but the common denominator between Lepsiers and Mokers alike is a deep and undying appreciation of your special brew.

Lest I be accused of only being addicted to the caffeine, I want to reassure you that I am currently enjoying cans of CAFFEINE FREE Diet Moke. Not to say that I don't supplement with the *real* stuff. I just love soda!

But, aside from hearing your testimonials to the amazingness of Diet Lepsi and Moke, tell me about your love affair. Did you like your diet soda even before you got diabetes? What role has diabetes played in your appreciation of the cola? And if you are feeling really brave, you can admit how many sodas you (or your "friend") drink every day. What lengths would you go to to obtain a fix? AND, if you are of the rare breed who doesn't enjoy did you quit?:)

Cheers! I raise my cup of diet bliss to you! It is amazing how much happiness can be found in 64 ounces of fountain-y goodness.

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